☛ SPECIAL OFFER: Save $50 on a PLATINUM membership NOW!

In today’s rapidly evolving AI landscape, where technology can handle routine tasks, market analysis and other technical aspects of your work, the true differentiator for Financial Advisors like you lies in mastering soft skills. And now through Oct 25, we’re offering you an opportunity to save $50 on the annual PLATINUM membership fee and tap into the wisdom and inspiration I share based on my 50+ years of experience in the industry.

☛ See offer details and promo code

Offer's good for new members, upgrades & renewals, ends 10/25.

To Prospective Subscribers

Dear Prospective Subscriber:

If you’ve clicked over to this letter then you’re obviously interested in taking your career to the next level. Let me tell you how I can help.

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Get Don's Weekly Tip

Every Tuesday, you will get an actionable piece of advice from Don Connelly, related blog posts on the topic, and what's new on the blog PLUS Don's "10 Great Analogies" in pdf format right away.

Website Guide

This Website Guide is intended to give you a brief overview of how to get the most out of Don Connelly 24/7 learning center website.

1. Gaining Access to Members‐only Content
2. Member Homepage
3. 'Tools of the Trade' Podcasts
4. Monthly Newsletter
5. Webinars
6. "Don With" Episodes
7. Weekly Focus  
8. AskDON Informal Coaching Program
9. FREE Resources
10. We encourage you to send us feedback

1. Gaining Access to Members-only Content

To gain access to the member‐only content, you should first log in to your Don Connelly 24/7 account. You can do that at any time by clicking the 'Member Login' button in the upper right corner of every page on the website:

Member Login Button

Once you click the button, you will be redirected to the login page. Fill in your email and password and click the Login button to log in.

Member Login Screen

Check the checkbox 'Remember Me' if you want the website to remember your login details and log you automatically when you return to the website.

If you attempt to access members‐only content while you are not logged in to your member account, you will be prompted to log in:

Login prompt screen

Click the 'login' text link and you will be redirected to the login page. Once you fill your email address and password, and you click the Login button, you will log in and will be redirected back to the page which you attempted to access in the first place.

Once you are logged in to your Don Connelly 24/7 account, you can access the members‐only content by clicking the various tabs on the light blue navigation bar toward the top of each page.

Member light blue top navigation

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2. Member Homepage

Each time you login from the Members Login button or go to the homepage while logged in to your Don Connelly 24/7 account, you will be taken to the Member Homepage. Notifications of new or changed content are listed here. You will always know what's new and where to find it.

You can click the links on the Member Homepage and go directly to the new content from there or you can navigate to the specific content from the light blue navigation bar at the top of the page.

News, announcements and upcoming events are posted on the Member Homepage as well. Check in often so you don't miss out.

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3. 'Tools of the Trade' Podcasts

This is the audio and video library where Don shares his insights from 45+ years of experience in the financial services industry.

'Tools of the Trade' focuses on those tangible and intangible skills that spawn greatness in Financial Advisors. Hundreds of audio and video episodes are categorized into 7 different categories.

You can access all podcasts available in the 'Tools of the Trade' by clicking the 'Tools of the Trade Podcasts' tab on the light blue navigation:

Tools of the Trade tab on member navigation

Clicking that tab will redirect you to the Tools of the Trade Library. You will see:

  • A brief description of the library.
  • An introductory video in which Don tells you with a few words what this library is about.
  • The categories in which all audio and video episodes are organized.

Here is how a category looks like on the 'Tools of the Trade' page:

Tools of the Trade category view - Best Practices

Click the 'Watch Now' button to see the introductory video for the specific category. Don tells you in a few words what you will find in the specific category.

Click the 'Audio Podcasts' text link to see the list of available audio episodes in the category.

Click the 'Video Podcasts' text link to see the list of available video episodes in the category.

Don records regularly new audio and video episodes for the 'Tools of the Trade' section of Don Connelly 24/7 learning center. You can discover new episodes right on your Member Homepage.

The latest episode will be featured and made available to watch right on your Member Homepage, as seen in the screenshot below:

Latest podcast on Member Homepage

Other recent podcasts are also accessible through the Member Homepage – featured to the right of the latest Podcast, as seen on the screenshot below:

Previous podcasts - featured on Member Homepage

Clicking a link to a recent podcast in this section will lead you to the dedicated page for that specific podcast in the 'Tools of the Trade' library. On that page, you will be able to listen or watch the episode, leave a comment or share with your friends and colleagues on social media.

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4. Monthly Newsletter

In addition to receiving the Monthly Newsletter directly in your email each month, you can access it in your Don Connelly 24/7 member's area in one of the following 3 (three) ways:

a. Access the Monthly Newsletter directly from your Member Homepage

Go to your Member Homepage and scroll down toward the middle of the page to see the section 'Other Content'. Find the direct link to the latest Monthly Newsletter and the month it was issued:

Latest Monthly Newsletter - text link on Member Homepage

Clicking that link will lead you to the dedicated page for that specific Monthly Newsletter issue.

b. Access the Monthly Newsletter from the blue navigation bar

Monthly Newsletter tab on member light blue navigation

Clicking the Monthly Newsletter tab will lead you to the page with all Newsletters you receive as a member of Don Connelly 24/7. Choose the Monthly Newsletter from that page as seen on the screenshot below:

Latest Monthly Newsletter - button on Newsletters page

Clicking that button will lead you to the dedicated page for the latest Monthly Newsletter.

c. Access the Monthly Newsletter from the member sidebar

Most of the pages on the Don Connelly 24/7 website have a sidebar to the left. The first section for members in this sidebar is “What’s New”. Choose the text link “Latest Monthly Newsletter” as seen on the screenshot below:

Latest Monthly Newsletter - a text link in Member sidebar

Clicking that link will lead you to the dedicated page for the latest Monthly Newsletter. 

On the latest Monthly Newsletter page, you will have the opportunity to read the issue or navigate to the page where you can listen to its audio version, as shown in the screenshot below:

Monthly Newsletter page - audio version button

Professional members can access only the last Monthly Newsletter issue while PLATINUM members have access to the library with all past issues of the Monthly Newsletter.

To access the PLATINUM Member Library: Past Monthly Newsletters, click on the button for PLATINUM members back at the Newsletters page ‐ as shown in the screenshot below:

Monthly Newsletter library - button for PLATINUM members

Clicking that button will lead you to the page with titles, excerpts and direct links to all past Monthly Newsletter issues in chronological order.

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Another great benefit of Don Connelly 24/7 membership is the opportunity to participate in live webinars with Don at least once each quarter.

Each live event is recorded and available for replay. PLATINUM members have access to the complete library of past coaching sessions/webinars. Professional members and Weekly Focus Subscribers have access to the most recent session only.

You can access the latest Webinar Replay in your Don Connelly 24/7 member's area in one of the following 3 (three) ways:

a. Access the Webinars directly from your Member Homepage

Go to your Member Homepage and scroll down toward the middle of the page to see the section 'Other Content'. Find the direct link to the latest Webinar Replay and the date it was held:

Latest Webinar Replay - text link on Member Homepage

Click the link and you will be redirected to the webinar dedicated page ‐ with brief description of the event, an embedded video screen to watch the recording online and a download link to download the recording and watch it offline at your convenient time and place. (Download option available to PLATINUM members only.)

b. Access the Webinars from the light blue navigation bar

Webinars tab on Member light blue navigation

Clicking the Webinars tab will lead you to a page with:

  • Brief information about member's access to webinars
  • Brief description of the latest webinar, its title and direct link to the dedicated
  • Webinar page (click the 'Webinar Replay' blue button to be redirected)
  • A link for PLATINUM members to access the library of all Webinar Replays in the Don Connelly 24/7 learning center:

Webinars Replay library - exclusive to PLATINUM members

Clicking that button will lead you to the page with titles, excerpts and direct links to all past Webinar Replays in chronological order. Professional members and Weekly Focus subscribers can access only the last Webinar Replay while PLATINUM members have access to the library with all past Webinar Replays.

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6. "Don With" Episodes

Another great benefit of Don Connelly 24/7 Professional and PLATINUM membership is the library of “Don With” episodes. They usually feature interviews with people important to the industry, money managers, CEO's and Advisors who have excelled at their trade.

You can access the “Don With” episodes from the light blue navigation bar:

Don with tab on Member light blue navigation

Clicking the Don With Podcasts tab will lead you to a page with:

  • A brief information about member's access to the podcasts.
  • A list of all Don With episodes available to members – each episode is listed with a title and a brief description about its content. Clicking the title of a specific episode will lead you to its dedicated page where you can listen to it online or download it on your device. (Only PLATINUM members have the option to download ‘Don with’ podcasts to their computers.)

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7. Weekly Focus

In addition to emailing the Weekly Focus directly to your email each week, you can access it in your Don Connelly 24/7 member's area in one of 3 (three) ways:

a. Access the Weekly Focus directly from your Member Homepage

Go to your Member Homepage and find the section 'Weekly Focus' with direct links to the last four issues of the Weekly Focus and the dates each of them was sent out to members:

Weekly Focus section on Member Homepage

Clicking a link to one of the Weekly Focus issues will lead you to the dedicated page for that specific Weekly Focus issue.

b. Access the Weekly Focus from the light blue navigation bar

Weekly Focus tab on the Member light blue navigation

Clicking the Weekly Focus tab will lead you to a page with brief information about what the Weekly Focus is and member's access to the latest Weekly Focus, previous three issues and PLATINUM library with all past issues. 

All Professional members and Weekly Focus subscribers have access to the latest Weekly Focus and previous three issues. Only PLATINUM members can access the library of all past Weekly Focus issues in the Don Connelly 24/7 learning center:

Weekly Focus library for PLATINUM members

Clicking that button will lead you to the page with titles, excerpts and direct links to all past Weekly Focus issues in chronological order. Each Weekly Focus features an idea, supported by a quick audio or video episode and an Action Plan to put the idea into practice.

c. Access the latest Weekly Focus from the member sidebar

Most of the pages on the Don Connelly 24/7 website have a sidebar to the left. The first section for members in this sidebar is “What’s New”. Choose the text link “Latest Weekly Focus” as seen on the screenshot below:

Latest Weekly Focus link in the member sidebar

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8. AskDON Informal Coaching Program

A great benefit for PLATINUM members is the opportunity to communicate directly with Don through the AskDON informal coaching program. You get to ask Don your coaching questions and he will respond to you as time permits and as quickly as possible ‐ via an audio message, a video message, or a phone call.

Unless we get a specific request to the contrary, all AskDON questions and answers will be posted on the Don Connelly 24/7 learning center website for the benefit of all PLATINUM and Professional members. We encourage you to ask Don as many coaching questions as you see fit.

To access the AskDON Informal coaching program, click the AskDON tab on the light blue navigation bar:

AskDON tab on the member light blue navigation bar

You will then land on a page with brief information about the AskDON informal coaching program and a list of past AskDON episodes in chronological order (with titles, excerpts and direct links to each episode).

If you are a PLATINUM member, you can ask Don a question by clicking the button “Platinum Members Click Here”:

AskDON coaching - PLATINUM members click here button

You will then land on the page where you can ask your questions. Click the button 'Click Here to Ask Don a Question Now!', write your question and send it to Don directly for an answer.

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9. FREE Resources

Any downloadable bonuses that you received when you signed up for Don Connelly 24/7 can be accessed in the FREE Resources section. You can access it through the light blue navigation bar:

FREE Resources tab on the member light blue navigation

As additional resources become available we will let you know by e‐mail or by posting a link on the Member Homepage in the section 'Other Content'.

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10. We encourage you to send us feedback

We encourage you to leave comments on the website or on social media as well as send us emails with any questions, concerns or suggestions for improvement ‐ your feedback is invaluable to us and is always appreciated! Thanks for your confidence and allowing Don Connelly to play an important role in your success.

Don Connelly & Associates team